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10 Important English Word list With Hindi Meaning

Important Vocabulary Word list With Hindi Meaning Day-49

Hello Readers, today we are going to publish an Important English Word list with Hindi Meaning from Day-49. These vocabulary words are essential for the upcoming CAT, XAT, CMAT, GMAT, SNAP, SBI PO, IBPS PO, SSC, and other exams. All the vocabularies are from The Hindu newspaper.

Important English Word list With Hindi Meaning Day-49

1) Enrage- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- क्रोधित करना

English Meaning- to make someone very angry.

Synonyms- anger, irritate, annoy, infuriate, provoke, exacerbate, arouse, nettle, offend

Antonyms- soothe, please, assuage, appease, pacify, comfort, relieve, satisfy,

Example Sentence- His coming to the home late-night makes his parents enraged.

2) Bout- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- मुकाबला, मुक्केबाज़ी प्रतियोगिता

English Meaning- a short period of something unpleasant.

Synonyms- contest, battle, game, match, competition, encounter, attack, fight,

Antonyms- Concord, trail, stagnation

Example Sentence- The boxer who will handle the pressure properly, will win the final bout.

3) Caprice- (noun)

Hindi Meaning- सनक, मौज, उमंग

English Meaning- a sudden change of mood or behavior.

Synonyms- humor, whimsy, freak, mood, vagary, caprice, blatancy, wave, surge

Antonyms- constancy, constant, permanence, dependability

Example Sentence- His caprices made his friend’s life difficult.

4) Emanate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- निकलना

English Meaning- to come out or emit.

Synonyms- emerge, exhale, issue, flow, originate, discharge, rise, begin, pour

Antonyms- absorb, take, accept, eat up, conceal

Example Sentence- Chemical water emanates from Factories and mix with the river, causes water pollution.

5) Trumpet- (noun& verb)

Hindi Meaning- ढिंढोरा पीटना, घोषित करना, तुरही

English Meaning- proclaim widely.

Synonyms- herald, broadcast, advertise, announce, proclaim, publicize, extol

Antonyms- conceal, secret, hide, silence, muteness, privacy

Example Sentence- The cricket team trumpeted its victory in the city.

6) Electrocute- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- बिजली से मर जाना

English Meaning- to die by electricity.

Synonyms- punish, kill, put to death, lynch, assassinate, guillotine, murder

Antonyms- support, recover, revive, save, protect, safeguard

Example Sentence- Many electricians electrocute due to lack of safeness.

7) Annihilate- (verb)

Hindi Meaning- संहार करना, मिटा देना, जड़ से मिटाना

English Meaning- destroy utterly.

Synonyms- eliminate, eradicate, destroy, demolish, abolish, ruin, erase, annul

Antonyms- build, establish, revive, constitute, create, promote

Example Sentence- The farmers use Insecticide to annihilate the insects from the crops.

8) Cluster- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- समूह, इकट्ठा करना

English Meaning- a group of similar things.

Synonyms- bunch, gather, collection, group, collection, bundle, aggregate, gathering, clutch

Antonyms- isolation, individual, break, one, disperse, spread

Example Sentence- The cluster of illegal weapons seized by the Police in the forest.

9) Clobber- (noun & verb)

Hindi Meaning- पीटना, मारना

English Meaning- hit someone strongly.

Synonyms- smash, batter, strike, drub, beat, hit, attack, punch, knock

Antonyms- uphold, praise, appreciate, promote, defend, assist, upraise

Example Sentence- The crowd of people clobbered the thief in the market without informing the Police.

10) Disquiet- (verb and adjective)

Hindi Meaning- बेचैनी, अशांत, घबराहट

English Meaning- a feeling of worry.

Synonyms- disturb, trouble, anxiety, upset, fluster, agitate, discomfort, unsettle

Antonyms- comfort, please, ease, peace, easiness, coolness, patience, relief

Example Sentence- A tiger entered into a village, which disquieted the people in the village.


This is the Important English Word list With Hindi meaning from Day-49. Lean daily 10 vocabularies to improve your English.

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