We publish Daily 10 most important English vocabulary, which will help you to improve your English. Thesaurus is the most crucial part of English, so you should focus very seriously on it.
10 English Vocabulary for Day-5
1) Stringent- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- कठोर
English Meaning- tough and strict.
Synonyms- Harsh, Rigid, Hard, Austere, Stern
Antonyms- Flexible, Easygoing, Mild, Pliable, Relaxed
Example Sentence- The English teacher of that school is so stringent that the students always maintain discipline in class.
2) Conspiracy- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- साजिश
English Meaning: a secret plan for someone to do something bad and unlawful.
Synonyms- Machination, Trick, Intrigue, Plot, Collision
Antonyms- Truth, Reliability, Trustworthiness, Accuracy
Example Sentence- He is arrested due to the conspiracy of a policeman.
3) Predecessor- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- पूर्वज
English Meaning- someone before or former.
Synonyms- Pioneer, Forerunner, Vanguard, Ancestor.
Antonyms- Successor, Heir
Example Sentence- The predecessors of Indians are so intelligent.
4) Ambiguous- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- अस्पष्ट, अनेकार्थ
English Meaning- something not bright or not having one precise Meaning.
Synonyms- Uncertain, Unclear, Puzzling, Doubtful, Vague
Antonyms- Clear, Explicit, Lucid, Unequivocal, Distinct
Example Sentence- His way of talking so ambiguous that people can’t understand what he wants to say.
5) Benediction- (NOUN)
Hindi Meaning- आशिर्बाद
English Meaning- a state of being blessed.
Synonyms- Benison, Boon, Favor, Worship, Prayer
Antonyms- Curse, Bane, Anathema, Criticism, Malediction
Example Sentence- A child always has Benediction of his parents.
6) Contingent- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- दल, टुकड़ी, आकस्मिक
English Meaning- a group of people having a frequent target, and something happens suddenly.
Synonyms- Team, Squad, Corps, Conditional, Unexpected
Antonyms- Sole, Independent, Unconditional, Absolute
Example Sentence- The contingent of the Indian army can beat any force in the world.
7) Fraudulent- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- धोखेबाज
English Meaning- Cheater who cheats.
Synonyms- False, Fake, Dishonest, Crooked, Counterfeit
Antonyms- Honest, Genuine, Valid, True, Ethical
Example Sentence- We should always beware of online Fraudulence.
8) Fragment- (verb)
Hindi Meaning- टुकड़ा, खंड, भाग
English Meaning- Broken part of a whole thing and broke something.”
Synonyms- Piece, Bit, Portion, Part, Section, Fraction
Antonyms- Whole, Complete, Total, Unite, Unbroken
Example Sentence- He fragmented his toy because he was upset.
9) Erudite- (adjective)
Hindi Meaning- ज्ञानी
English Meaning- having great knowledge.
Synonyms- Educated, Learned, Academic, Wise, Scholarly
Antonyms- Ignorant, Uneducated, Dark, Dumb, Unschooled
Example Sentence- Aryabhata was an erudite person; because of him, the world can calculate the number.
10) Juvenile- (noun)
Hindi Meaning- किशोर
English Meaning- a young person under 18-year-old.”
Synonyms- Youthful, Young, Adolescent, Immature, Puerile
Antonyms- Mature, Old, Adult, Elder, Aged
Example Sentence- It is against the law to persecute a juvenile in India.
These are the 10 English Vocabulary with Hindi Meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and example sentence from Day-5.
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